Oil paint pressed through canvas
circa 12.5 x 10 cm (4.9 x 3.9 inches)
Series of unique pieces
700 Euro
Includes 13% VAT. Please contact us for shipping options, and for pricing in other currencies.
Oil paint pressed through canvas
circa 12.5 x 10 cm (4.9 x 3.9 inches)
Series of unique pieces
700 Euro
Includes 13% VAT. Please contact us for shipping options, and for pricing in other currencies.
Reset features a work series of small-scale pieces by Dejan Dukic that he exclusively created for Collectors Agenda. The artist only recently moved towards also creating works on a small, almost miniature scale condensing and thus dramatizing the sculptural character of his practice.
“I love working in small format. Everything I want to say is already conveyed on a minimal surface. It doesn’t get any better for me, just by going bigger”, says Dukic himself about his new series of small-scale works.
Dejan Dukic (*1975 in Vienna) paints exclusively with color and canvas, not figuratively, but in the truest sense of the word abstract. Dukic’s process is extraordinary in that he massages the color through the woven or perforated structure of canvas or other support materials.
The artist seeks to establish a direct contact with the oil paint, as he gets rid of familiar painterly devices such as color palette, easel and brush. Often, as the colors are gradually pressed through the fabric, the paintings themselves become the color palette.
Dejan Dukic graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, where he studied under Daniel Richter.
Read our story with Dejan Dukic in his studio.
Dejan Dukic's website
Zeller van Almsick, Vienna
#loveart, #dejandukic