Liliane Lijn

In the Studio Liliane Lijn, London

Although Liliane Lijn might best be known for her “kinetic art”, her artistic scope goes far beyond movement. Since the 1960s, Lijn has pioneered a new way of working with a multitude of materials, from plastics to minerals, exploring the intersection between language and image.

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Ali Cherri

In the Studio Ali Cherri, Paris and Beirut

Ali Cherry’s practice consists of video installations, drawings, sculptures and films. Exploring different geographies of violence, the Lebanese artist based in Paris often works with broken and damaged artefacts of history. Traumatic experiences of violence are not something to be hidden, but instead used as fuel for contemplating the future.

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Huda Takriti

In the Studio Huda Takriti, Vienna

Huda Takriti was born in Syria, where she studied art at the University of Damascus. Working as a trans-disciplinary artist, Takriti uses video, film, installation, painting and performative situations to challenge traditional perceptions of history and politics.

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Robert Punkenhofer

Collector Stories Robert Punkenhofer, Barcelona/Vienna

For more than 20 years, Robert Punkenhofer has been involved in international corporate and art management. His agency Art & Idea considers itself a nexus between art, architecture, design, and economics. He has curated more than 100 exhibitions, among them the annual Vienna Art Week. He has served as Trade Commissioner for the Austrian Foreign Trade Organisation in Mexico City, New York, and Berlin, a role that he currently holds in Barcelona. We spoke with the unusual collector about art, his ability to repeatedly create things from nothing, and about his passion for Vienna’s brilliant k. and k. period.

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Culture Briefing

Where to meet art, culture and creativity

Nordic Notes

Simon Dybbroe Møller

Simon Dybbroe Møller, Berlin
Whether working with film, sculpture, installation or the written word, Simon Dybbroe Møller’s work always comes back to the photographic image. Interested in how we are shaped by the media we create, the Danish born, Berlin-based artist questions “how it feels to be bodies tumbling or stumbling through this world”.
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Jonny Niesche

Jonny Niesche
»Aura Panels«

Judith Fegerl

Judith Fegerl
»full spectrum«

Edin Zenun

Edin Zenun
»Taking Cuts«


Ilari Hautamäki and Yorgos Stamkopoulos

Ilari Hautamäki and Yorgos Stamkopoulos
8 May – 15 June, 2024

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